It's All About Me: Inspiring Things You Can Do While You're Stuck in Quarantine.

Social distancing can make even the biggest homebody go a little stir crazy. I consider myself one of those people. Instead of getting bummed out about the situation, I decided to make the most of this time by vamping up my website and creating a blog about my new profound passion, graphic designing.  

Here’s my attempt at blogging, 😌 so bare with me as I used to HATE writing. After I finished my thesis for my masters program, I swore I would never write anything again...unless it was the next catchy caption on social media. Skip ahead a few months, I discovered the love I had for graphic design. I realized I thrived off of creating new designs, and I literally could talk and write about it (hence the blog) for days on end. 

I have many other hobbies including: swimming, cycling, exercising, painting and reading, but the one thing that left me yearning for more was designing things on my computer while listening to the latest R&B/Pop album. During one of my design and jam sessions, I thought to myself “gee I really could do this for the rest of my life”. So, here we are! Your soon to be favorite Graphic Designer, used her own dream of helping others accomplish their career/life goals through art and creativity to start her own freelance graphic design company, Christian Nicole Graphics. 

Yes, the idea popped in my head overnight, but it definitely took some time to get to this point. I further explored what I  learned in undergrad to grasp more knowledge about the field. I studied other subjects that would benefit graphic designing and enhanced my craft by taking marketing classes. I’ve stayed up way too late many nights in order to  keep up with the latest trends of design. But, hey! Who said it would be easy? Eventually, the pieces started to fall in place, and I can thoroughly say I’ve enjoyed the process thus far. 

With that being said, I want to challenge you. Now is the time to do what you’ve been putting off because you’re too busy with work, family, friends, or any other extracurricular activities. With this extra time many of us have, I encourage you to use the opportunity to start your own business or to develop your own brand. You never know, something great could be produced out of this moment in your life. 

Start by turning your hobby into something more productive… Explore, Research, and Practice the skill you want to perfect. Everyone has a unique craft, but it’s up to you to find your niche. 

Here are a few things that might get your brain stimulated: 

  • Proud Foodie (like myself) - Learn to cook, become a professional taste tester and make videos based on your reactions

  • Hair and Makeup -  Beauty bloggers are the new way to promote the brand. You might earn a partnership with your favorite company. 

  • ​Online Shopaholic (I’m currently recovering) -  Start a YouTube fashion channel and potentially get paid to market their clothes (might as well... you already buy their merchandise and flex on the gram 🤷🏽‍♀️)

  • Working Out - Try using social media to motivate others to start their own health & fitness journey ​

The sky's the limit, and anything is possible with our favorite sidekick: social media. The main key is doing something you're passionate about. 

Since you’ve come this far in the post, and if you have even the tiniest thought in the back of your mind telling you to try something new or to pick up an old hobby, be like Nike, and Just Do It. Trust your instincts and your gut. They’re right the majority of the time. When you’ve found the idea, run with it...AND you already know who you can call to kick start your remarkable business/brand!!!


What Exactly is Brand Identity?
