Glowin’ Up : Why Having a Website will Level Up Your Business ✨

With the online world constantly growing, establishing a web presence is crucial to a successful business. Now I'm not talking about social media, having an Instagram or Facebook page is fine but having a website really, and I mean really takes your business to a whole new level.

Imagine being put on the spot to show off your work but have no way of displaying it (Yikes, cringe-worthy I know 😣🙂)? If you had owned a website, presenting your work could be shown within seconds. A website shows how AMAZING you are at what you do, but most importantly it shows professionalism, establishes credibility, and it's an easy way for people to contact you. ​

As a millennial, I know I can say I like things that are quick, accessible, and easy to find (kinda like buying sour gummy worms at your closest convenient store😋🍫🍬🍭).
If you think about it, we search and look for things every day. When we need to research information about something, what is the first thing we do? We pull out our handy dandy device, tap our fingers on the screen (or if you are like my parents, yell out: “Hey Siri look up such and such”), and BOOM the answer magically appears on google.
Whether it's a person seeking a tasty brownie recipe or an employer searching for someone like YOU to add to their team, your website could land you a spot for project collaboration or even a potential job. Think of it as a prerequisite to the next stage of your profession. Truth be told, no matter how marvelous you are at your craft, if you don't have a way of showcasing it, the world may never know and you'll potentially let opportunities slip out the palm of your hand.
I know your mind is probably ticking by now and you are probably wondering Where do I even begin to create a website 🤔 . You have one or two options: pay someone to build one for you orrrr if the struggle bus is real and you’re ballin on a budget 💸, teach yourself to make one. All you have to do is decide to take that step. Do a smidge of research. Find inspiration and examples for the type of layout you want. Figure out what is going to be on the site (I’ll help you with that later down the way). Once you've done all of that, have at it! Eventually, you’ll get the hang of it.
You can start anywhere! There are a lot of sites for beginners. I started with Format, eventually worked my way to Adobe Portfolio (both are great websites to showcase your portfolio), and finally to Weebly (what you see today).

Think of your website as an extension of you ✨.
When creating one keep these TIPS in mind:

  • Pick a color scheme that speaks to you - figure out what colors express who you are .

  • Think about the layout (you may design it on a computer but most people look at things on their phone)

  • Design Elements are major key - pick things that stand out and draws the audience in (make sure the images are crisp and not blurry)

  • KISS (keep it simple sweetie) - Nobody wants to struggle to navigate through your site

  • Content - consider what type of sections you want on your website (Here are some starters 😊)

  1. 🏠 Home - It's the first thing we see, so make it nice! **rule of thumb, be very clear and straight to the point on what it is that you do. Also, have an EYE CATCHING LOGO 👀 (done by me)

  2. 💼 Portfolio / Merchandise - show people your work and show off your talent!

  3. 👩‍💻 What services do you offer? - People may not know what it is you exactly do based on your portfolio, so elaborate a little more on what services you provide.

  4. 💁‍♀️ About me - share who you are, let the people know what inspires you to do what you do.

  5. 📲 EXTRA CREDIT: Blog, Newsfeeds, or Social Media (if you want to interact with your audience)

(**If you don't have anything else, ALWAYS have a Home & Contact page.)
LASTLY, BE YOURSELF AND HAVE FUN 🤗. Don’t go overboard and don’t over analyze how your site is going to be different from everybody else. It’ll be different because it's YOU, we are all unique and special in our own way. 🧡


A Splash Of Color: What Your Color Choice Says About You, Your Logo, & Your Brand