Growing as you learn to fall in love with your business.

How do you know if you are finally happy with the one? And no I’m not talking about marriage lol 👰. I mean how do you know you’re truly happy with your brand and logo? Like I have said in previous blogs ( What Exactly is Brand Identity and 3 Types of if you want to learn more), your brand is an extension of who you are and what you stand for. I'm a bubbly, friendly, happy-go-lucky type of person, so naturally, I would want my business to project all of those qualities. Hints all the bright and vivid colors? (to learn more about color and the way it affects our moods click here). But I will say I wasn't always like that. I used to be a quiet, shy, and behind the scenes type of person. So the answer to my question to how do you know you’re happy with the “perfect” logo and brand. The truth is, you probably won't know. That's because we are constantly growing. 
I know I can say for myself my brand has been developing for years. Not saying it will take that long because people are different. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve changed my logo. As you can see below…. I was all over the place when it came to figuring out what I wanted lol 😅. I had a hard time trying to make my logo look different from our favorite tv channel Cartoon Network, since we both share the same initials of CN. All I knew, is that I wanted to stand out and be bold and friendly. That's how I came up with the brand you see today :). 
Take a look below:

But the moral of the story is, what you see now is completely different from when I started. That's because as you grow things will change. Your mindset will change. Your views will change. Your passion will change.  What you might have thought was the world back then, you might think the opposite of it now. Kinda like our first boyfriend we ever dated that we were crazy about, and now think to ourselves “what were we thinking”?🙂😐🥴
(Insert latest breakups song).

​ I have gone through at least 4 different logos and each one I was happy with, but as I grew so did my company. A lot of my changes came from gaining a better understanding of my craft due to school, but also me growing into the type of person I am today. What I am trying to say is, it's ok to make changes. You do not have to feel like you are stuck with whatever you created the first go-round. We are constantly evolving and that is ok. Be confident and do not have any self-doubts about ANYTHING. OWN YOUR ISH.  You'll know you are happy with what you have because you have a passion like no other. You will enjoy doing it and without it feeling like a job. 

Whatever your result is in your logo and brand might be, I know you will shine through it...especially if you get one done by me :) 


Thinking outside the box: Establishments you never thought need a Graphic Designer.


3 Types of Logos: Which is right for you?